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  • About Us - Winback-Refund Service

    Getting your money back from a scam

    Have you ever received unsolicited correspondence regarding a payment that you need to make? Perhaps you’ve been told you have an unpaid tax bill? Maybe you’ve been warned your bank account has been compromised and you need to move your money immediately. If you’ve received unusual contact requesting you to make an urgent bank transfer, then you might have been targeted by an impersonation scammer.


    Years +

    Getting your money back from a scam

    Winback-Refund Service has a dedicated team of solicitors who specialise in helping victims of fraud or scams. We provide international coverage, individuals and businesses, recover money or assets lost to fraudsters/scammers. We are experienced in dealing with: purchase scams; impersonation scams; investment scams; romance scams; advance fee scams; invoice scams and corporate scams. Our approach is simple but effective, using proven techniques and the latest technology, we help victims of fraud recover all of their lost funds.

    Investigating your scam claim

    We have an experienced financial mis-selling team that will initially investigate all of the financial transactions in relation to the fraud. If we believe any financial rules, regulations, codes of conduct, laws and internal policies have been breached then we will complain to the financial institution and seek redress. This is always our first point to help you recover lost funds as it can allow quick redress. To assist us in this we have state-of-the-art software, developed by our subsidiary company, that allows us to quickly review financial statements and documents to identify relevant transactions and patterns of financial behaviour in order to quickly identify your losses and calculate your claim. By complaining to financial institutions such as banks, investment advisors, and cryptocurrency exchanges we also get further details of the fraud that can allow us to broaden our investigations. We also have access to software that assists us in tracing money invested into cryptocurrency through the blockchain so we can identify wallets where defrauded cryptocurrencies are sitting.

    Why use Winback-Refund Service to bring a fraud or scam claim?

    Through a range of techniques, financial complaints and legal proceedings we can identify money lost and seek recovery through the banking system and other financial organisations. The system is set up to prevent fraud and often when Fraud has occurred, we can go after financial organisations that have let you down. We will always do this and will also seek to recover your lost money in other ways. If a scammer is identified and where necessary, we use specialist forensic accountants to help trace funds and we have a network of law firms worldwide that can assist recovery of monies hidden in offshore tax havens and foreign jurisdictions. If we identify the scammer, we can instruct agents to identify their assets to seek recovery from them. We also act for corporate clients in large frauds, where a perpetrator with assets can be identified, to freeze their assets and seek recovery through the courts. We can review the blockchain to trace crypto assets and if your stolen crypto assets are in a USA, UK or EU-regulated exchange we can seek recovery of these assets. We can also provide our clients with expertise in:

    • Financial complaints in respect of misconduct that has assisted the fraud
    • Forensic fraud investigations
    • Tracing assets lost through Crypto Currency via the blockchain to recover funds
    • Money laundering methods used by criminals
    • Scam and fraud methods used by criminals
    • Cross border litigation
    • Civil Litigation in the UK for Fraud and Injunctive Proceedings
    • UK banking fraud and UK and cross-border cards and payments infrastructure
    • FCA Principles and Financial Crime Regulations and best-practice
    • Use of experts who have PACE NPCC Digital Forensics quality standards and computer-based electronic evidence best practice
    • Law enforcement liaison including preparing witness statements and evidence to assist investigations


    Satisfied Customer


    Case Success Rate


    Cases Filed in 2023


    Money retrieved in 2023


    Don’t Listen To Us, Listen To Our Great Clients!

    Financial Scam Claim

    This form should take no more than 2 minutes to complete.
